Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Procrastinate – CreComm style

Procrastination has never been more entertaining since I discovered chrisd.ca and his collection of newcast/media related bloopers.

As I said earlier, news is all the more entertaining when journalists go off script. It’s even more entertaining when it means I can temporarily delay the college-related task at hand, get a good laugh, and learn some valuable broadcast production lessons along the way.

Lesson #1: A TV broadcast is the product of a team effort. If someone isn’t doing their job, everyone just looks bad (especially those on camera).

Lesson #2: The floor director is important: watch for the floor director’s cues! Or: floor director, give less confusing cues!

Lesson #3: Pronunciation quizzes in radio class? Don’t need ‘em for TV!

Lesson #4: Giggling. And what to do when it happens on-screen.

Finally, the most crucial and hilarious lesson of all:

Lesson #5: Pets and interviewers do not mix. Especially on live television.

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