Friday, October 8, 2010

Silent short: The Hitman?

I guess I’ll just have to admit that Dean Cooper, like my mom, is always right.

For the second out-of-class assignment in a row, his predictions of our behaviour, initially scoffed by me, have come true.

Last term, when he said we’d spend upwards of 20 hours editing our montage, I did (and more). This term, when we were doing continuity edits for the first time, he said we’d be high-fiving in the edit suits.

And - well, we weren’t exactly high fiving, because that would be too accurately creepy - but lets just say it was a little giddy-inducing.

Editing for continuity - putting clips together to show the progression of events -

is hard to film, but super fun to edit because it makes your videos look like the real, professional, thing.

When an actor, say, reaches for a glass of water, you can make it look like one fluid movement from a medium shot of them reaching to a close up of their hand grabbing the glass. Magic! (Unfortunately, it’s also invisible magic because if you’ve done it right, no one notices!)

Me and awesome fellow PR major Lennie, decided to punch up the above water glass senario with a little James Bond (or is it Agatha Christie?) flavour for our assignment.

Thanks to the very Bond and Bond girl-esque Eman and Stacia for being so accomodating when we ran out of daylight, good weather, and driving skills...You guys were fun to film!

Next project... Wild Target?